Monday, December 21, 2009

Xmas Cookies

I am not particularly religious, but I do enjoy the family closeness and celebrations of the silly season. We went to a large party with Mr BrisVegan's extended family yesterday. We don't really give gifts to adults in that family (no-one does), but I wanted to give a little something. So, like many a food-obsessed vegan, I baked for the holidays. Here are the cookies that I made into little gifts for the family:

(Clockwise from back left: Ginger Sparkle from Vegan with a Vengeance, Snickerdoodles from La Dolce Vegan, Chocolate Chip Cookies from Vegan with a Vengeance and Cranberry Walnut Biscotti from Veganomnicon.)

And here is one of the gifts:

They are all delicious, so I hope that everyone enjoys them. I will be taking some of each of them to various other Xmas parties with my family. I am also making rocky road, fudge, rumballs and mini-fruitcakes. Conversion by sweets for Christmas!


  1. Conversion via sweets - I like that!

  2. Cookie activism! Vegan cookies are my fall-back gift for every occasion, enough that two members of Andy's family mentioned them on the stat decs for my permanent residency application...

  3. Awesome! I'm doing something similar myself :)

  4. Looks divine! I give a plate of xmas goodies every year to people, and they LOVE it...

  5. They are beautiful! My Christmas baking plans were derailed by illness this year. People must love vegans at Christmas time because we all go extra super baking mad. ;)
